Tonight, David was invited to speak about Cybersecurity to the Board of one of our clients.
Not just drawn by the beers, burgers and doughnuts, the group were keen to learn more about the responsibilities of a Board in the ever-changing technology landscape.

What are the responsibilities of a Board when it comes to Cybersecurity? In the case of Landmark White, inadequate oversight cost the
Board Chairman and half the Board their roles.
In the presentation David touched on 3 key areas for consideration to ensure the same situation doesn’t happen again:
Set the tone
Provide guidance on how to prioritise cybersecurity risk. Increased security often comes at a cost in terms of efficiency or trade-offs with other business objectives, and absent board level guidance too often tilts the scale away from security and increases the risk of doing business.
Seek information and ask questions
Ideally, cybersecurity should be a topic at every board meeting or dealt with by a sub-committee. Briefings should go beyond the surface, delving into the details of the organisations security posture.
Secure third-party evaluations
Understand the exposure of the organisation to cyber risk. Similar to the way organisations hire independent auditors to evaluate their financial practices, leading businesses engage third-party organisations that are familiar with the current cybersecurity risks in the businesses vertical to assess their risk posture.
The presentation was well received, with a few comments of how terrifying some statistics and real-life stories of cyberattacks and the impact on businesses were.
Board sessions, along with staff lunch and learns are services FortiTech can offer to our clients. If your business has a Board that is keen to learn more about cybersecurity and how it needs a regular and prominent position in management discussions, then give us a call on 1300 778 078 to talk to us about running a session for you and we'll even supply the food!