With over 100 attendees both in person and online, the first Cyber Security focussed event for 2020 held by the College of Law QLD's Centre for Legal Innovation took place on Monday 11 February and FortiTech was proud to be part of it.

The topic of the event was "Can we ever really be Cyber secure?" and in short, the answer is no, but don't despair, there are actually many ways you can manage the risk of a cyber attack in your organisation.
Feedback from the attendee's was extremely positive, with the room buzzing with talk on where to next with their internal procedures and processes, the key takeaway's attendees noted were:
"the importance of having the right policies, procedures, systems, culture in place to protect data; - whilst we focus a lot on electronic data security, we sometimes overlook the loss of data through every day activities (for example confidential discussions in public spaces); and - we can't underestimate the role people play in protecting data, electronic of otherwise, reinforcing the need for ongoing training on the risks and steps they can take to protect their data"
"Cybersecurity is data security and should be part of a businesses broader risk and asset management
are the biggest cybersecurity risk - businesses should invest in training for all employees and not assume that employees understand the
ways and means of hackers."
is key - attacks are scary when they happen, people panic. Businesses need to have clear plans to detect attacks, notify key stakeholders,
recover and restore lost data and ensure business continuity."
"Honesty and authenticity are essential when communicating an attack to affected people including clients. Tell them what you know,
what you don’t know and what you’re doing and keep them updated throughout the process."
"Get insurance"
"Access help. There are resources, consultants and industry bodies that have the expertise and desire to help businesses manage an attack."
If you missed this session, you'll find an edited recording on the CLIC (CLI-Collaborate) Free Resource Hub here: https://bit.ly/2tM6WtD
FortiTech would like to thank the College of Law QLD's Centre for Legal Innovation for hosting the event and the fellow panelists:
Leisa Flatley Adjunct Lecturer, The College of Law
Principal, EAGLEGATE Lawyers; Director, Australian Information Security Association; Member, QLS
Cybersecurity Working Group
Daniel Pearson Specialist Adviser - General Insurance,
Findex Insurance Brokers Pty Ltd
COO, Chief Operating Officer, McCullough Robertson Lawyers and Member, Queensland Law Society Innovation
Terri Mottershead Executive Director Centre for Legal
Innovation (Australia, New Zealand and Asia-Pacific)
and special mention to Scott Jeffries, Account Executive APAC, Continuum for his demonstration of practical Cybersecurity traps all
the way from his holiday in Florida.
David will be sharing the knowledge even more on 3 March 2020, with a session on Security assessments and technology policy to
create a security first culture in your organisation. Stay tuned for more details on how to register.