Do you need a reliable security system that keeps you connected to your workplace anytime, anywhere? You're in the right place. We've just wrapped up an exciting CCTV installation project for a thriving small business.
In case you didn't already know, FortiTech are licensed under the Queensland Security Providers Act (1993) and can provide security advice and installations and can help you with your CCTV System design and install (license number 4589185)
CCTV systems aren't just about security - they're about peace of mind and staying in control. Here's why every small business, like yours, needs a quality CCTV setup:
- It's a formidable adversary for intruders and vandals, acting as an ever-watchful sentinel.
- You'll never miss a beat with 24/7 surveillance, ensuring every nook and cranny of your office is under constant watch.
- Enjoy real-time remote access, allowing you to check live feeds at your convenience.
- In the unlikely event of a breach, your CCTV will be there to capture the crucial evidence.
The Requirements
Our client wanted a comprehensive CCTV solution that would give them peace of mind knowing their office was constantly under surveillance. They were looking for a high-quality, reliable system that could be accessed from anywhere.
Here is how we did it:
Taking our clients requirements we deployed a HIKVision based solution consisting of:
- 8 x 4K turret cameras
- A custom network video recorder to control the system and store recordings
- An external monitor to view the live feed whilst in the office
- All cabling, cable management, mounts, conduit and training
HIKVision is known for their high quality hardware and the decision to go with 4K meant that the camera recording quality was going to be top of the line.
To roll out the project we teamed up with Chris from Illuminair Electrical to run network cable and terminate it back at a central spot at
the office.

We connected the Network Video Recorder PC to the 24" monitor via an HDMI connection, enabling our client to view camera feeds directly on a dedicated screen.
Once the system was all online we were able to program the Blue Iris software that is used to run everything and activate the AI to process
movement and tag any humans or vehicles that were picked up in any of the cameras.
We have outlined the NVR specs and work undertaken below for those readers who love more detail!
NVR spec:
- Intel i3-13100 CPU
- 16GB RAM
- Corsair 750W PSU
- Western Digital Purple Pro 8TB HDD dedicated for CCTV recordings
- Windows 10 Operating System
- 500GB SSD for the operating system and other local programs
- 24" monitor
- Wireless keyboard and mouse
Installation works:
- Data cabling of cameras into the server location and terminate on CAT6 plugs
- Building and configuring Network Video Recorder PC
- Configure Blue Iris CCTV Software
- AI Configure remote access Mount monitor on wall
The total cost for this project was $7,650 + GST, which covered:
- The 8 camera CCTV system with internal and external office surveillance
- Network Video Recorder PC to store video recordings with 8TB storage
- HDMI connection to dedicated screen mounted on wall
- All network cabling, system design and configuration

With a colossal 8TB of storage on the NVR and all cameras recording 24/7.
The BlueIris software offers free access to historical data and live footage. The client was thrilled with the outcome, praising the smooth remote access and the extra layer of security.
Looking for a CCTV system?
At FortiTech, we understand the importance of feeling safe in your own space.
If you are looking to install a CCTV system at your business or home, just give us a call on 1300 778 078 and we will get you on your way to a more secure workplace or home.
We are licensed under the Queensland Security Providers Act (1993) and can provide security advice and installations and can help you with your CCTV system.
Stay tuned to our blogs to learn more about our exciting projects and how we're making businesses safer, one installation at a time.